Course Chapters

  • 1

    Basics Of Sour Dough

    • Sour Dough Starter

    • Simple But Perfect Sour Dough Bread

    • Sour Dough Bread Recipe

What You'll Learn

Learn the oldest method of baking and perfect the art of making sourdough bread

  • How to create a culture and make an active sourdough starter

  • The best way to knead dough and develop the right level of stretchability and gluten development

Instructed by

Head of Academics

Chef Roland Eitzinger

A certified Master Pastry Chef & Confectioner with over 30 years of experience, Chef Roland offers a rich blend of international industry experience in the art of Baking & Pastry. He worked for leading and reputed hotel properties in Dubai, Hong Kong and in Europe as a Master & Executive Chef.